Wisdom Mine Lights – Northwest Mine Supply

Wisdom Mine Lights. Northwest Mine supply has your mine light needs covered as we are the U.S. distributor for Wisdom Mine Lights. Corded and Cordless models available, including MSHA certified lights and the model 4A that also functions as a power bank to charge your cell phone! We feature a large stock of cordless lights and accessories.

RC2T-MSHA Cordless Cap Lamp

The RC2T model is purpose designed for CHPP and Underground Coal Mines. It generates both focused light for a long-distance light projection and spread light for wide area …

Laws | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

1969 - Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (Coal Act) 1966 - Federal Metal and Nonmetallic Mine Safety Act. 1952 - Federal Coal Mine Safety Act. Learn more about the legislative history of the MINER Act of 2006, the Mine Act of 1977, and the Coal Act of 1969 here. MSHA's authorizing Statute governs our mine safety and health programs.

msha cordless coal mining light

Coal Mining Lights. WebSafety Mining Light 12 LED Coal Mining Lights Battery Pack with LED Light Waterproof Head Torch Mining Lamp Headlight Explosion Proof Hard hat Cap Mining Headlamp (KL6M.F-Medium Size) ... Model 4A Cordless Hard Hat Mine Light Non-MSHA Certified Version. 4.6 out of 5 stars 44. $165.99 $ 165. 99. FREE delivery …

Mine Employment and Coal Production | Mine Safety and …

Mine Employment and Coal Production. More in This Section Close. Mine Employment and Coal Production; Top 20 Most Frequently Cited Standards by Mine Type; NIOSH Statistics; Scroll to Top. ... 202-693-9400. Federal Government. White House; Disaster Recovery Assistance; USA.gov; No FEAR Act Data; Labor Department. A to Z …

P12-V-06 | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

P12-V-06. This Program Policy Letter (PPL) applies to underground coal mine operators, manufacturers of longwall systems, facilities that rebuild longwall systems, and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) enforcement and technical support personnel. The purpose of this PPL is to clarify that longwall lighting system cables …

Wisdom Wiselite2 Cordless Cap Lamp – Northwest Mine …

Falconer Electronics has produced LED mine lights for over 20 years. These LED lights have served in mines all throughout …


Lone Mountain Processing's coal preparation plant is located two miles North of St. Charles, VA at the end of State Route 636. The plant was constructed and opened in 1982 under the name of Straight Creek Processing Company and operated under that name until August 1991, when purchased by Lone Mountain Processing, Inc. Catenary Coal Holdings, Inc., …

Standards for Sanitary Toilets in Coal Mines

The hourly wage rate for a mine supervisor is $54.92 ($54.92 × 2 hours = $109.84). The hourly wage rate for a clerical worker is $19.58 ($19.58 ×. 0.03 hours = $0.58). This direct final rule removes this burden by eliminating the application process and providing information directly to the public.

BRIGHT STAR Koehler LI 5300-G Corded 'Wheat' LED Cap Lamp | MSHA …

MSHA APPROVED: MSHA Part 18 Certified for use in underground coal and gassy underground metal and nonmetal mines. Evaluated and tested in compliance with Federal Regulations. BRIGHT AND LONG LASTING: This high-intensity LED Cap Lamp provides 7,000 candlepower and runs for an impressive 28 hours with a peak beam …

msha coal mining lights

A wide variety of mining lights msha approved options are available to you, such as ce, ccc, and ul. You can also choose from lithium ion, aaa, and lithium metal. As well as from e27, e14, and par36. And whether mining lights msha approved is paid samples. There are 101 mining lights msha approved suppliers, mainly located in Asia.


The objective of MSHA mine inspection and investigation activities is to promote a safe . and healthful working environment for miners. MSHA personnel work to achieve this . objective in three ways: (1) by enforcing the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, (Mine Act or the Act) (PL 95-164) as amended (30 USC 801 et seq.), the Mine


VOLUME V - COAL MINES. 75.1719-2 Lighting Fixtures; Requirements. The required illumination may be provided by light fixtures which are mounted on board mining equipment and receive power from the equipment, by stationary light fixtures which are mounted on the roof or along the rib and receive power through trailing cables, or by a …

Wisdom Mine Lights – Northwest Mine Supply

Wisdom Mine Lights. Northwest Mine supply has your mine light needs covered as we are the U.S. distributor for Wisdom Mine Lights. Corded and Cordless models available, …

A. Non-Permissible, Light-Duty, Diesel-Powered …

1. Is there evidence that non-permissible, light-duty, diesel-powered equipment currently being operated in underground mines emits 2.5 g/hr of DPM or less? If so, please provide this evidence. 2. What administrative, engineering, and technological challenges would the coal mining industry face in meeting a 2.5 g/hr DPM emissions …


VOLUME V - COAL MINES. 77.1710 Protective Clothing; Requirements. This Section does not require operators of service vehicles making visits to surface mines or surface work areas of underground mines to wear protective clothing. Paragraph (c) of this Section requires that miners wear gloves whenever they troubleshoot or test energized electric ...


Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969. Public Law 91-173*. 91st Congress, S. 2917. December 30, 1969. TITLE V--ADMINISTRATION. Research. . 501. (a) The Secretary and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, as appropriate, shall conduct such studies, research, experiments, and demonstrations as may be appropriate--. (1) to ...

Shining a Light on Cap Lamps in Underground Mining

According to peer-reviewed journal article 'The effect of cap lamp lighting on postural control and stability', Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) accident data for 2005–2009 indicated slips, trips and falls (STFs) were the second leading accident class (18.1%, n = 2,374) of nonfatal lost-time injuries at underground mining work ...

Luminance Measurement for Underground Mine Lighting

distance from the coal rib, changing texture of the coal rib, and wetness of the coal. The variations among different locations of coal ribs within the mine were also considered. Results showed a very large variation in the luminance measurements that ranged from a -42.9% luminance change when the coal rib was wetted up

msha mining light for sale | eBay

Get the best deals for msha mining light at eBay. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!

Durable Mining Lamps * MSHA Approved

Falconer Electronics J100 Signal Lamps are ideal where warning lights are needed. Red or amber LED flashers ensure high visibility by all personal. The J100 Light Output Pattern are MSHA approved. Most …

MSHA Approval for LED Mining Lights

MSHA Approval for LED Mining Lights. LED Lighting Magnetic Work Lights. Here at Falconer Electronics, providing our customers with quality products that …

MSHA releases report about McDowell County mining …

Oct. 31—ELBERT — The U.S. Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration has issued a report about the cause of a miner who died last August at a McDowell County coal mine. Investigators were notified on Aug. 18 after a section foreman at the Twin State Mining, Inc. Mine No. 29 in Elbert was installing a dewatering pump, according to a …

Fatality Reports | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

August 18, 2023 Fatality. Accident Classification: Drowning. Location: Mcdowell, West ia. Mine Controller: Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. Mine Type: Underground. Mined Material: Coal (Bituminous) Chargeback Date: 9/27/2023. On August 18, 2023, MSHA was informed of a miner's death at Twin State Mining, Inc.'s Mine No. 39 in Elbert, WV. MSHA ...

MSHA News Release: [12/06/2011]

MSHA News Release: [12/06/2011] Contact: Amy Louviere Phone: (202) 693-9423 ... the worst U.S. coal mining disaster in 40 years. A report concludes that Massey's corporate culture was the root cause of the tragedy. MSHA has issued Massey and PCC 369 citations and orders, including for an unprecedented 21 flagrant violations, which carry the ...

msha approved led mining lights

Xerebrus XM-1 Cap Light & Charger - Headlamps - Amazon. More. The newly released MSHA-approved Flare-XM-1 is a rugged cordless cap lamp with the latest Lithium battery technology and high-powered Cree LED. The lamp features two power settings for primary (72 hour) and emergency lighting (7 hour high beam).

Forms and Online Filing | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

An MSHA Mine ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin at the mine site. More Info: 7000-2: Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report: Mine operators and independent contractors are required to report employment and production information to MSHA using this form for each quarter of …

MSHA Certified Cordless Mine Cap Lamp WiseLite2

Free Shipping in the US! MSHA approved as having met Part 19, Title 30 CFR These are light weight (less than .5lb), Waterproof to 20+ meters (IP68 certified), and unlike most lamps on the market, these lights were designed for underground mine use so they are SERIOUSLY RUGGED and will last for years!. Charger sold separately. These lamps …

Koehler Mining Lights Vs NLT: Why the Polaris is the Most Used Mining

Koehler Mining Lights and Northern Light Technologies (NLT) are two of the leading brands when it comes to cap lights for miners. Follow us: ... As the first MSHA-approved all-in-one cordless cap lamp on the market, NLT has proven itself to be industry leaders with its expanding range of rugged cap lights.

Mine Data Retrieval System | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

Mine Data Retrieval System. ***MSHA Mine Data Retrieval System maintenance window starts Fridays 10:00PM ET to Saturday 10:00AM ET. Please be advised that there may be interruption to data retrieval during this time period.

Illuminating Mine Safety with LED Lighting | Wesco

The Safe, Smart, and Productive Choice. Upgrading to LED lighting in your underground mines can enhance energy efficiency, increase productivity, reduce …

eCFR :: 30 CFR Part 77 -- Mandatory Safety Standards, Surface Coal …

The mine operator or independent contractor shall make an application which satisfactorily shows that each such person has had at least 2 years experience at a coal mine or equivalent experience, and that each such person demonstrates to the satisfaction of an authorized representative of the Secretary that such person is able and competent to ...


Not more than 8 feet in distance means not more than 8 feet of ungrounded conductor. 75.519-1 Main Power Circuits; Disconnecting Switches;Locations. This Section applies to low- and medium-voltage power circuits entering a mine and to low-, medium-, and high-voltage power circuits at the bottom of shafts and boreholes.

2024 Coal Mine Rescue Rules

Mine Rescue Rules were designed as a training tool for mine rescue teams. The gas levels, limits, travel distances, water levels, etc. were developed for contest purposes only. Discretion should be used in actual mine emergency situations. The Holmes Mine Rescue Association ("HMRA") Coal Mine Rescue Rules Sub-Committee will

Courses for MSHA and the Mining Industry

When attending a scheduled course as a stand-alone participant, the tuition is $94.00 for a full day and $47.00 for a half day. When requesting a course listed in this catalog for a group, the tuition is $400 for a full day or $200 for a half day (minimum and maximum student numbers may be required).


Exposure to Respirable Coal Mine Dust. This document had the following major recommendations: l. Exposures to respirable coal mine dust should be limited to 1 mg/m3 as a time-weighted average concentration for up to …